Thursday, November 17, 2011

Call of duty modern warfare 3 WII RF (Region Free)

Call of duty modern warfare 3 WII RF (Region Free)
Publisher: Activision | Developer: Treyarch | English | Genre: First Person Action | 
 Platform: Wii | Size: 4.03 GB


Modern Warfare 3 wraps up the story laid out in the previous Modern Warfare games. Or, at least, it tries. The story in three confuses and isn't all that interesting, serving only as a backdrop for the badass set pieces and battlegrounds you play in. If you really pay careful attention to the plot, you might be able to follow along, but the fact that I have to put effort into understanding or caring about it remains problematic. 

Also returning are the annoying endlessly spawning enemies and crazy A.I. Certain stages will have portions where a near-endless flood of foes come at you until you get to a specific point in the level, while at other times enemies completely disregard their own well-being if it means they can run up and shoot you in the face. It's annoying. 

Story and other irritating issues don't matter all that much in the other versions of Modern Warfare 3 because the sheer spectacle and awesome firefights are enough to keep me riveted and in the heat of the moment. With the Wii version, though, the graphical fidelity, while pushing what the system can do, just doesn't deliver what's needed to make the scenes as striking and enveloping as I know they are from playing the other platforms. Sure, it has moments that impress, but more often, badass scenes are ruined by intrusive texture pop-in and muddy visuals. I don't expect the Wii to have the same power as other platforms, but even over component the lower resolution makes it hard to pick out targets at range. It also pulls you out of the scenes, so instead of focusing on how crazy the set pieces are, I found myself wincing at the constant visual issues. 

size: (4.03 GB)
