Thursday, November 17, 2011

Need For Speed The Run WII RF

Need For Speed The Run WII RF (Region Free)
Publisher: Electronic Arts | Developer: Firebrand games | English | Genre: Racing | 
 Platform: Wii | Size: 4.37 GB


That’s not to say Need for Speed: The Run is bad. There are actually miles of fun to be had here, but developer Black Box’s creation definitely comes up short in comparison to the slick, gorgeous, and nearly pristine driving of Hot Pursuit. The Run is decidedly focused on the cinematic, complete with an exciting escape from a car crusher to jump-start the action at the start of the game.
It seems The Run's protagonist is in trouble with some bad people over gambling debts, but he’s given the chance to correct the situation thanks to an illegal cross-country race. With a purse of $25 million, over 200 racers are in line to go the distance from San Francisco to New York City, and the aim of the game is to constantly move up in the rankings.
The first major goal is hit Vegas in the 150th position and next up is Chicago in the top 50. As a result of this placement focus, every race is either about passing a specific number of competitors or beating the clock (or both). What that really boils down to is that players have to be in first place for every single race.The Run is divided up into 10 main stages, each containing numerous races. Some of the races are boss fights, where players must beat a specific character to the finish line. Others are pure timed races where they must hit check points before time runs down, but most are just about passing X number of cars to make it to the finish line first.
The upside of this design is the level of excitement and challenge. Races in The Run can be thrilling as players struggle to avoid traffic, the cops, and other racers to be number one. The handling of each car is refined, and the game conveniently rates each car’s handling difficulty, so experienced drivers can go straight for the unruly super cars, while more casual players can stick to the easier rides.
Cars can be swapped out at gas stations, and there’s no other way to switch vehicles between races. So, players can potentially end up temporarily stuck with the wrong machine for the job because they didn’t swap cars earlier. Each race has a limited number of checkpoint-based restarts as well. It’s not a rewind as in Hot Pursuit or Forza, which seems like an odd step backwards.
While the controls are tight and responsive, especially with the easier to handle cars, there’s a lot of little nagging issues in The Run that hold it back. The sudden use of cinematic displays to show cops or crashes is entirely jarring in the middle of a race and can’t be turned off. Worse, it occasionally causes uncontrollable crashes.

size: (4.37 GB)


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